Tatsuya Iguchi was a juvenile delinquent in Tokyo and a leader a motorcycle gang.
After he was released from juvenile detention, he begins to live a new life and doesn't go back to his hometown.
Instead, he begins to live with his aunt in Nishi-Chiba and work at a barbecue beef restaurant. If Tatsuya gets involved in any more fights, he will be kicked out.
On the first day of his release, he gets into a fight with Kaname Abe, who is second-in-command of motorcycle gang Kirihito.
The motorcycle gang Kirihito is led by Atsushi Tanzawa.
Tatsuya won the fight against Kaname, but they agree to keep it a secret because Tatsuya doesn't want to go back to juvenile detention and Kanamedoesn't want to people to know he got beaten. A friendship soon ensues between the two.
Tatsuya also meets Chihiro Minagawa, whose brother was the leader of motorcycle gang Kirihito, but he died in a fight with another motorcycle gang.
Chihiro currently works at a bowling alley. She doesn't hesitate to speak bluntly with Kirihito's leader Atsushi to stop its battles with other motorcycle gangs.
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★ 導演品川祐繼《Drop》大受歡迎後全新力作,令人哭笑不得的青春熱血動作電影!
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★ 超人氣男團JO1熱血獻聲,打造主題曲《HIDEOUT》
正在緩刑期間、被稱為「狛江狂犬」的超不良少年井口達也(倉悠貴 飾)從少年感化院出來後立下豪誓,下定決心絕不能再犯罪回到感化院裡,於是到阿姨經營的燒肉餐廳打工、展開全新生活。然而,難以控制的暴躁性格使他不堪其擾,過往的仇家與紛擾再度找上門,歷經暴走族的抗爭、與新夥伴的相遇,有了要守護的東西,達也又會選擇怎樣的人生道路呢?